Many instances have led up to this portrait project. One of them being having my own portrait photo session done by Mapuana Reed Photography in 2014. I was amazed by how beautiful I felt. She kept telling me “I want you to see what I see”. When I saw the final image I saw a beautiful women looking back at me for the first time in 40 years!

Soon after, I came across these videos and was so moved by the participants reactions. In both, either they have never been told they are beautiful or they just don't believe that they are. I believe EVERY WOMEN IS BEAUTIFUL. And its my mission to show you the gorgeous person I see through my lens.

Will you let me photograpah you? Pretty please (insert lot of heart emojis!)

Why have your portrait taken?

Every women deserves to feel beautiful!
— Noelle

It’s my desire to connect with women and make them feel beautiful and show them the beauty I see in them. I hope to encourage women to value themselves and see themselves the way I see them through my lens…beautiful. You’ll have your portrait taken in a fun, relaxing, non-judgmental environment and I will create a timeless and genuine portrait of you.

As women we are often so critical of ourselves and shy away from the camera, but I want to show you what I see though my lens and how absolutely gorgeous you really are!


  1. You are a mom who takes cares of EVERYBODY else except yourself all day, errr day!

  2. You are a "mature" women who has age, experience and lots of wisdom to share.

  3. You are a young women who struggles to find your identity in a society that constantly tells women we aren't good enough if we don't look like super models..

  4. You are an entrepreneurial and/or business women who has built your business from the ground up and puts all of your clients first and never takes time for yourself.

  5. You are a women who has never had professional portraits taken.

  6. You are a women who can't see her own beauty.