The Sweet Rain Media Team

Sweet Rain Media Group Photo

The Sweet Rain Media Team - Noelle, Dina, Lisa, Amber

Being an business owner can be lonely. For years, I thought I could "wear all the hats" and juggle it all. WRONG! Over the years I have learned its WAY more fun with friends and together we can move mountains. 

Being an introvert did not serve me well in the first few years of business. I thought I could do it all alone, I could be both a creative and business minded person all rolled up in one and make it all happen on my own. Wrong again. It wasn't until about three years into my business I realized that having a great team around you is key to success.  

These girls have been by my side, behind the scenes, helping make all magic happen and keeping me sane. 

Whether they are second shooting for me, assisting on a shoot, doing admin stuff, editing, or acting as my backup if we have multiple events on the same day....they are a vital part of the success of SRM and this business would be where it is today without them. 

Not only are they amazingly talented in their own right, they are genuinely awesome people. Click on their names below to see for yourself how extremely talented each of them are, they are business owners and, well, just super awesome ladies!









On any given project, whether photography or video related, you will meet two or more of us. We love hanging out together, and well, we are all pretty awesome in our own right...its just how we roll.

A team is not a group of people that work together, a team is a group of people who trust each other. And I trust these ladies whole heartedly!!

And we are better together than I could

EVER be on my own. 

I've heard it said that you should find a group of people who inspire you and spend lots of time with them. It helps you grow. It helps you get out your head and out of your own way!

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"

Helen Keller



Hawaii Birth Collective Launch Party and Art Exhibit, April 7, 2017


EVO Workshop - Five Days with Emmy Award Winning Filmmakers Stillmotion