Share Your Story with the She is Portrait Project
Share Your Story with the She is Portrait Project!
Registration open Friday, June 15!
We are looking for woman of all shapes and sizes and ages who are (or who are striving to be): strong, compassionate, bold, brave woman who are willing to share their stories to be a part of a special portrait photography project. These are woman who are going through or have overcome a struggle in their lives and are willing to share their story and would love to have their portrait taken by Sweet Rain Media.
Photo by Noelle Herring
Each eligible woman will then have their portraits taken by Sweet Rain Media in a fun, relaxing, non-judgmental environment, and the portrait and story (application video and/or text) will be displayed in an art gallery exhibit setting later this year.
YOU are a great fit for this project if:
You are a mom who takes cares of EVERYBODY else except yourself all day, errr day!
You are a "mature" women who has age, experience and lots of wisdom to share.
You are a young women who struggles to find your identity in a society that constantly tells women we aren't good enough if we don't look like super models..
You are an entrepreneurial and/or business women who has built your business from the ground up and puts all of your clients first and never takes time for yourself.
A women who has never had professional portraits taken.
A women who can't see her own beauty.