Have you filmed your HOLIDAY VIDEO CARD yet? | Hawaii Family Videographer

Why send a holiday card when you can send a HOLIDAY VIDEO this holiday season?

This year we are so excited to announce that for the first time ever we'll be filming Holiday Mini-Session VIDEO CARDS!

I know, I know...it's not even Thanksgiving yet! But trust me, you'll be glad to have this checked off your list before December arrives, and the holiday chaos that comes with it!

What exactly IS a holiday video card, you may ask? 

Think of it as your tradition holiday card, only WAY MORE AMAZING.  And, you don't have to lick any stamps or go to the post office.

While sending family and friends a traditional holiday card is nice and all, it doesn't really capture the essence of you and you family...how much the kids have grown, their cute little kiddo voices and all the love and squishes shared between you.

Click below at the Searcy Ohana's day at home baking cookies and snuggling in their jammies!

The Details:

Amount of time:

We come to your home and capture footage of you for 1 hour.  The activity you want to do during that time is your choice.  You can bake cookies, jump on the trampoline, sing karaoke, play board games, or just hang out and play while I capture the essence of your family.  Within a few moments of me arriving, I promise you won't even notice I am there. After awhile, I am like a fly on the wall and the camera continue to roll as the magical fun of your family unfolds. 

What you receive:

You will receive a high definition, digital download of your Holiday Video Card via Dropbox, which can then be shared to any social media platform you choose. It will be 1-2 minutes in length and contain a licensed music track. All films will be ready for delivery by December 15th.

Filming Dates in 2016:

We are taking holiday video card clients on the following weekend dates.

November 12 - 13, November 19-20, December 3-4, December 9-10.  

Price: $250

click below and Select your filming date & let's get started planning your holiday card!


Girl Behind the Camera Series - I Married a Sailor | Hawaii Photographer


Girl Behind the Camera Series - The Bun | Oahu, Hawaii Photographer